Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Our Biggest Challenge Ever!

Each year we challenge our students at St Brigid's to complete the Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC).  This year will be our biggest challenge yet - since we've lost all our library books in the fire! 

This could be a really good news story for our school. 

Imagine if all our students tried really hard to complete the Challenge this year. 

The headline could read School Loses All its Books and Still Completes the Challenge!

PRC books can be found at home, borrowed from local libraries or read online as eBooks. It's very easy to find PRC eBooks through Oliver. Simply type “premier 3-4” or “premier 5-6” in the search bar. 

For students from Kindergarten to Year 2, class teachers will read 30 PRC books to them and these are entered online. Each child will receive a certificate at the end of the year. 

When students reach Year 3, the onus is on them to read books independently and enter the titles online. Some students may need their parents’ help when entering titles online.

Students in Years 3 – 6 must read 20 books in total and of these 5 can be personal choice books, with at least 15 from the PRC list for their grade. All the rules for the PRC can be found on this site https://online.det.nsw.edu.au/prc/home.html , along with booklists for each level. 

I'll be encouraging students to get into the spirit of the Challenge and we will have a chart for each class, to keep track of their progress.

Don't forget this could be our BIGGEST CHALLENGE EVER!

Monday, 21 March 2016

Thank you Newington College, Stanmore

The Teacher Librarian at Wyvern House (the preparatory school of Newington College, Stanmore) organised a Book Drive to support St Brigid's Library recovery. The whole Wyvern House school community came together and collected a huge number of quality books to donate to us for our new school library. Not only did the Newington community collect the books for us, they also delivered them to our school.

The Year 6 boys from Wyvern House and our Year 6 students worked together to unload all the boxes of books and carry them to our temporary Library Workroom. 

We were so excited just opening the boxes, so I can only imagine the excitement on our students's faces when they're able to borrow the books from Newington. Our gratitude goes out to the staff, parents and students who contributed to this wonderful donation. 

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

The generosity continues.....

We've been so busy processing our new guided reading books that I forgot to tell you about other donations we've received recently. 

A huge thank you goes to the Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) for their delivery of many boxes of new books including much needed multiple copies of novels. They will also be sending us teacher resource books. We needed a whole class of students to help carry so many books up to our library workroom.

Our thanks also go to John at TeeJay Publishers, all the way from Perth, WA, who sent us some student books for Mathematics linked to the Australian curriculum. 

Finally, thank you to the P & C from Stanmore Public School for their donation of books for our students to read.