Tuesday, 12 March 2013

The Secret Garden Launch - Recount by Chrysi 4B


On 26th February I went to the opening of the Secret Garden. The Secret Garden is where you can read peacefully. You can feel the fresh air and it is also a very quiet place to do homework and relax.

This is a picture of a girl that goes to St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School. She was at the opening day of the Secret Garden and dressed up as a punk at story time. The story was called ‘Billy the Punk’.

It was about a boy that saw people dressed up as punks and he thought it was really cool. So Billy went to school dressed up as a punk without his mum knowing, and one day the teacher told Billy not to wear those clothes but he didn't listen so unfortunately she had to call his mother and then Billy started liking something else.

At the opening of the Secret Garden we all had lots of fun.  We also celebrated by having hot dogs, poppers and chips and we also got temporary tattoos after story time. I hope that the Secret Garden is very popular. I hope you enjoy the Secret Garden as much as I do. 

Chrysi 4B

Monday, 11 March 2013

Author Visit to St Brigid's

To help us celebrate Catholic Schools Week in 2013, Robert Vescio will be visiting St Brigid's to share his new picture book, Marlo Can Fly, with students from Kindergarten to Year 3. 

Click on the link to go to Robert's website : Robert Vescio Website

Students will have the opportunity to preorder a copy of Robert's book and he will be donating a portion of the proceeds from sales to the school. Check out the book trailer below.

Catholic Schools Week 2013

Catholic Schools Week 2013 will be held from 10th to 16th March, and will involve the communities of all 615 Catholic primary and secondary schools across NSW and the ACT. 

Catholic Schools Week is about celebration. The main aim is to raise awareness and celebrate the strength and distinctiveness of Catholic schools across the State.

It allows our schools to showcase what is done every day by hosting Open Classrooms, where we are inviting the community in, to experience teaching and learning at St Brigid's. 

Open Classrooms will be held on Wednesday 13th, March between 9:00 am and 10:30 am.

Information and video from Catholic Schools NSW 

Monday, 4 March 2013

Premier's Reading Challenge - 2013

Message from the Premier of NSW

Congratulations to the 230,000 students around the state who successfully completed the Reading Challenge last year. The number has grown steadily for the past eleven years, so I expect that there will be even more young people eager to take on the Challenge in 2013.

Reading transports us into other worlds and lives. It allows us to experience a whole range of exciting stories and explore issues which can challenge the way we think and feel.

Students who accept the Challenge this year will have even more books from which to choose. With over 7000 books now on the booklist, the Challenge offers students an opportunity to read widely. I encourage all participants to be adventurous in their reading and add as many different types of books as they can to their reading records.
The world of books is an exciting one. I welcome you to the 2013 Premier's ReadingChallenge and I wish you all happy reading.

Barry O'Farrell
Message and images copied from PRC website

The PRC at St Brigid's

The Premier's Reading Challenge is on again. It goes from March 1st until August 31st, so there is plenty of time for you to read books and enter them on the Challenge!

Check the table below to find out how many books you need to read. The teachers from Kindergarten to Year 2 will read books to their class and then enter the books online. Students from Year 3 to Year 6 will read the books and enter them online themselves. You will need to use your PRC log on details. Write them in your diary so you don't forget!

ChallengeNumber of books needed to complete the ChallengeMinimum number of PRC books for your ChallengeMaximum number of personal choice booksPRC booklist selection
   K-2                          30                   25                 5K-2 , 3-4 , 5-6 , 7-9
   3-4                  20                   15                 53-4 , 5-6 , 7-9
   5-6                  20                   15                                                                  55-6 , 7-9
Click on the link to go to the PRC site. There is a link on Oliver also.

These mages are the work of Phillip Martin and are licensed under a Creative Commons    
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License 

Marrickville Library's Secret Garden Launch

On Tuesday our Library Monitors and I attended the launch of Marrickville Library's Secret Garden. The library staff made us feel very welcome and the children were able to meet Anthony Albanese, Member of Parliament for Grayndler. He spoke to the children and was impressed that they had submitted a written application to apply for the position of Library Monitor. He also told them how much he enjoyed reading and loved libraries.

After the garden was officially opened, the Children's Librarians told an engaging story about a punk to the children and Pauline from Year 2 was dressed up to look like a punk. She couldn't stop giggling!

Mrs Sandford was also able to join us and meet everyone. There was a sausage sizzle and other refreshments. Finally, the children were given temporary tattoos of dragons or fairies. A lovely morning was had by all!
There was an article in several local papers featuring our Year 2 student, Pauline. Click on the link to the Valley Times below and then click on the image titled 007.jpg.