Monday, 18 February 2013

Writing a Book Review

One of the great features of Oliver, our library computer system, is that children can write book reviews about books they have read. These reviews are uploaded and sent to me. Once I approve them (for correct spelling and punctuation) they will appear in the Oliver catalogue. There are also Google reviews for some books. 

This week in our library lessons, students from Years 2 to 6 read the information about the structure of a book review on the Oliver OPAC home page and begin their draft on a Word document as seen below:

Text Type: Response Review
* Title of text 

* Name of author and/or illustrator

* Brief summary of the content

* Judgement of the text using 
personal evaluation 

* Concluding comment or recommendation

During our library lessons, we viewed some videos of animated book reviews made by students at another school. 

Hot Dog Book Review - Dogzilla

Hot Dog Book Review - Daddy Could I Have An Elephant?

What do you think about this animated form of book review? Would you like to create an animated book review from the one that you write? Comment below.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Welcome back to 2013!

Welcome back to our new school year!

I've noticed how much everyone has grown over the holidays. 
I'm very lucky because I get to work with all the children from Years 1 to 6 again, and also work with the new Kindies!

During the holidays Oliver was updated and there are many new features. Click on the image below to check out the new Oliver.

Don't forget to choose St Brigid's from the drop down menu when you see the big red circle with the "i" in the middle, if you just hit enter, you will arrive in another school's library!

We are beginning library lessons this week and I am on the lookout for more bookworms!
I hope to get lots of comments from students on my blog this year. See you in the library.......